Juliana de Souza Talarico, PhD, RN
Dr. Juliana Talarico, Associate Professor, is a leading researcher in the field of psychosocial stress and cognitive decline within aging populations. Her work identifies early prevention opportunities for fostering resilience against cognitive health issues that derive from sustained stressors. Her significant findings unveil that environmental and psychosocial stressors cumulatively cause biological damage, leading to increased risks of cognitive decline. Dr. Talarico's recent work revealed that distinct patterns of dysregulated physiological stress responses can predict a transition from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. This finding can support individual-based digital models for dementia risk screening and monitoring in primary care prevention. She strongly believes that mid-life is a critical phase for detecting modifiable risk factors and altering cognitive trajectories towards optimal aging. Supported by national and international funders, her work in dementia and nursing research continues to advance with the collaboration of innovative colleagues and promising students.
- Cognitive and behavioral neuroscience
- Biological, psychological and social signatures of human stress
- Stress mindset, resilience, and coping strategies from adolescence to aging
- Evidence-based health