How do you pronounce Csomay?

Csomay is pronounced “SO-may” .

Why is it called the Csomay Center?

The Csomay Center is an endowed center thanks to the generosity of Barbara and Richard Csomay. Consequently, our full name is the Barbara and Richard Csomay Center for Gerontological Excellence. 


From Kanawha, Iowa, the Csomays wanted to positively impact the quality of nursing care given to older adults. Their generosity will allow the Center to promote optimal aging and quality of life in all older adults and their caregivers in perpetuity. 

What is gerontology?

According to the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Gerontology is “the study of aging processes and individuals across the life course. It includes:  

  • The study of physical, mental, and social changes in people as they age;  

  • The investigation of changes in society resulting from our aging population; and,  

  • The application of this knowledge to policies and programs.” 

Why focus on aging?

As a country, the United States is undergoing a massive demographic shift as the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age. By 2034, one in five people in the U.S. will be 65 or over and our communities will need support and resources to age well.  


The Csomay Center is uniquely positioned to bring together people, organizations, and resources to meet those needs.   


Why do you use the term “older adult”?

We intentionally use language that is inclusive and preferred by older people.  


According to Reframe Aging, “older adult” or “older person” are the preferred terms as they are neutral and more inclusive. Terms like “elderly” or “senior citizen” tend to be associated with stereotypes and negative patterns of thought around older people.  


Source: Reframing Aging Initiative. (n.d.). Communication best practices guide.   

What does it mean to be a gerontological center at a university?

Within the University system, there are a number of centers, programs, institutes, and other units that aim to provide resources and support based on a specific topic or interest area. 


Being a gerontological center at a university means fostering opportunities for collaboration related to aging, both internal and external to the University system.  


To be the Csomay Center means to break down disciplinary silos in the process. As an interdisciplinary Center, our goal is to connect anyone interested in aging to resources and a community of others with that shared interest.  

What do you actually do?

We serve as a resource hub and community for anyone interested in aging and older adults. In this role, we connect: 

  • one community resource to another because of the potential for collaboration or partnerships.  

  • the public to University and other resources to help with their aging and caregiving needs.  

  • researchers to populations who might participate in research, or who could benefit from the education provided by the researcher. 

How can I get involved?

We’re glad you want to get involved with the Csomay Center. Below are a few easy ways you can engage with us today! 

  1. Sign up for our newsletter:  

  2. Become a member:  

  3. Follow us on social media 

If you have another aging-related idea or topic you are passionate about, please reach out to discuss potential opportunities.