Become a Member
Considering that 1 in 5 people in the U.S. will be over age 65 by 2030 (Rural Health Information Hub), our communities will need support and resources specific to an aging population.
The Barbara and Richard Csomay Center for Gerontological Excellence is uniquely positioned to bring together people, organizations, and resources to meet those needs. We invite you to become a member of the Csomay Center as we connect, contribute, and create a vibrant future where we can all age optimally.
Membership Types & Benefits
Faculty Membership
Faculty and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in gerontology whether participating in research, teaching, or in a clinical setting.
Faculty Membership at three different levels (Affiliate, Associate, Full)
Service to the center may include, but is not limited to:
- Serve in a leadership or advisory role for a vital aspect of the Center (i.e., Leadership Team)
- Principal investigator (PI) or co-investigator on a funded grant within three years, relevant to the Center’s mission or sponsored by the Center
- Deliver outreach programs relevant to the Center’s mission to internal or external audiences
Benefits of Becoming a Csomay Center Faculty Member
- Profiles of Center Faculty will be displayed on the Center website.
- Center Faculty will become a member of the center’s listserv and can list “Csomay Center Faculty” on their CVs.
- Center Faculty have access to all of the Center’s resources including grant opportunities and mentoring.
Center Faculty will have the opportunity for their work and activities to be highlighted through the Center’s communication and marketing.
Student Membership
Students with an interest in gerontology at all levels of preparation (i.e. undergraduate, bachelor’s, graduate).
Center Students will be expected to meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Have a stated interest in gerontology
- Provide abstract or proposal for current or planned research in gerontology
- Previous or current work experience in a clinical setting in gerontology
- Currently being mentored by Center faculty
- Completing a project, contributing content to the Center’s newsletter, or participating in outreach programs relevant to the Center’s mission
Benefits of Becoming a Csomay Center Student Member
- Center Students’ profiles will be featured on the Center’s website and in the Annual Report.
- Center Students will be a member of the center’s listserv.
- Center Students have access to all the Center’s resources including grant opportunities and mentoring.
Center Students will have the opportunity for activities and projects to be highlighted in the Center’s communication and marketing.
Community Affiliate Membership
Community-based individuals with an interest in gerontology and optimal health of aging adults regardless of association with the University of Iowa.
Center Affiliates will be expected to meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Participate in one or more Center sponsored events annually
- Provide financial support for the Center
- Serve as a specialist or expert to help guide the Center in achievement of its mission and goals
For further engagement with the Csomay Center, please request information about “Friends of the Csomay Center”.
Benefits of Becoming a Csomay Center Community Affiliate
- Center Affiliates will be invited to Center activities and outreach programs.
- Center Affiliates will be a member of the Center’s listserv and receive newsletters on current topics and events related to the Center and gerontology.
- Center Affiliates will have opportunities to connect and engage with other optimal aging specialists and researchers.
Center Affiliates and their contributions to the Center will be profiled in the Center’s communication and marketing.
Community Organization Membership
Organizations in the community with a focus on the optimal health of aging adults (state and nationally).
Center Organizations will be expected to meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Sponsor one event for the Center annually
- Serve as community partners to help promote the Center and its activities
- Collaborate with the center or serve as experts to help guide participation in events and activities that achieve the center’s mission
For additional opportunities for organizations partnering with the Csomay Center, please request information on the Center’s Community Partners Advisory Panel
Benefits of Becoming a Csomay Center Community Organization Member
- Center Organizations will be featured on the Center’s website and profiled in the Annual Report.
- Center Organizations will be a member of the center’s listserv and receive newsletters about current topics on gerontology.
- Center Organizations will have access to gerontology experts with the potential for collaboration on grants and awards.
Center Organizations will be invited to activities and outreach programs that support the Center’s mission and goals.
What does it mean to be a member?

Connect with Like-Minded People

Access Center Resources

Find Collaborators

Showcase your Work

Gain Valuable Experience

Get Involved in our Programs
Whether you are local to Iowa City, in the State of Iowa, or more nationally located, you can positively impact aging by being a member of the Csomay Center.