See what is going on with our Optimal Aging Initiative
Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Jen poses with a Herky.

This summer has been all about connecting with people, places and resources! In July we successfully launched our adult child caregiver’s support group. We look forward to expanding this group and offering support through education and shared experiences. Once again Jen attended Grandparent University hosted by UICA and witnessed intergenerational activity at its finest. It was so much fun! And speaking of fun, Jen found all 101 Herkys from Herky on Parade.

August found us partnering with Amanda Lensing for another successful Stanley Sage event. Jeff Kellbach, Johnson County Aging Specialist, and Jen made their radio debut on KCJJ’s Senior Talk, and we hosted a spectacular Healthy Aging Fair hosted by our partners at the Iowa City Senior Center. Connections are what we do best!

If you would like to have Jen present about the Csomay Center, please contact her at