Tuesday, February 4, 2025

How are you optimally aging? This is Jen’s favorite question to ask when meeting with people. The answers vary, oftentimes revolving around physical activity and building strength. Other times people speak about being socially active and engaged. These are all great! 

This is the time of year where we often make “New Year’s resolutions” we don’t keep.  What about focusing on your intention to optimally age instead? There are so many good ways to optimally age that don’t require a hard deadline and can be flexible when life throws you a curve ball. Jen intends on building new friendships, a key to optimal aging.  And she promises her bike she’ll ride it more outside in 2025! The College of Nursing also has a team competing in the Live Healthy Iowa 10 Week Wellness Challenge, and Jen is ready to go! #LiveHealthyIowa If you need inspiration, follow the Csomay Center on social media for ideas! 

Wishing you the best in 2025 as we all aim to intentionally optimally age! 

If you would like to have Jen present about the Csomay Center, please contact her at 
