The Csomay Center prides itself on being a connector: a connector of people, resources, researchers, and support for caregivers. The past several weeks have found Jen Jones and the Optimal Aging Initiative connecting with organizations seeking to impact aging in rural areas.
In September, Jen traveled to Kansas City to the National Rural Health Association’s Rural Health Clinics and Critical Access Hospital Conference. The University of Iowa College of Nursing was well represented by Jen, Nicole Weathers, Iowa Online Nursing Residency Program (IONRP) Director, and Dr. Betty Mallen, Assistant Professor of Instruction, College of Nursing. Dr. Mallen gave a presentation titled, Caring for Older Adults in Rural Areas Using the 4M’s, to a very interested room full of people! On October 28th Jen Jones, Dr. Shalome Tonelli (Director of the Certification Center), and Dr. Betty Mallen presented to the Iowa Rural Health Association at their annual conference in Des Moines. Dr. Amalia Gedney-Lose also joined us at the conference. We are working hard to connect our rural residents with the aging resources they need to optimally age!
If you would like to have Jen present about the Csomay Center, please contact her at jennifer-e-jones@uiowa.edu.