Monday, November 18, 2024
Lilia DeSantis Smiling at the camera

Lilia’s role is new to the center, focusing on communications and administrative tasks. So far, Lilia has helped build social media content that you have seen across our platforms, facilitated meetings, and attended events for the Csomay Center.

Lilia is from a small town called Lemont in the Chicago suburbs. She is currently majoring in Marketing and pursuing a minor in Media Management. When asked why she chose her field of study, she states, “Marketing was an intersection between creativity and analytical analysis, allowing me to utilize my passions fully.” Her hobbies outside of work and school include trying new activities, traveling, spending time with friends, and getting outside.

Lilia’s number one goal in her career, once she graduates, is to fully immerse herself in the marketing industry, working at a firm that values innovation and has a great culture. She wants to foster relationships with her coworkers and potential clients through shared goals.

Please give Lilia a warm welcome to the Csomay Center Team!